Thursday, December 3, 2009


“ ‘Snot Weekun!” our 2 year old exclaims impatiently, and her majesty is correct – it, the DVD player is not working…or more accurately, it isn’t working YET because the DVD she wants to watch (which she’s seen at least ten times already) hasn’t loaded yet.

Impatience. Defining hallmark of youth (though we all wish it just developed naturally with age, don’t we?) and no one in our household is more impatient than the princess. When the disc is put into the player it’s supposed to just WORK; not after four seconds. NOW.

She’s like this with many things. When she wants a sippy cup (a ‘baba’, to use her vernacular) thirty seconds is much, much too long to wait for the microwave to heat the milk. But if the glass we use to heat the milk is taken out of the microwave at, say, twenty seconds, well, as crazy as it may sound, SHE KNOWS. “Oh! Nah HOT! Heat-a-up!”

Age two has its bright spots, of course. Christmas will no doubt be amazing this year, perhaps the first one she will remember and definitely the first one where we’ve introduced the word ‘presents’ to her. And we’ve recently gotten video of her watching a Disney DVD. She always laughs hysterically at the same spot in the cartoon, and you can’t help but smile and laugh right along with her.

But how did ‘two’ come to an end so quickly? It feels hard to believe she’s almost three. THREE, for crying out loud, and while I can’t believe I’m saying this, there’s a kind of sadness knowing that in just a couple months, we won’t have a toddler in diapers any more, but instead a third child. A KID.

I’m not complaining by any means. Changing your kid’s diaper when she’s age two is kind of like changing your great Aunt Margaret. You don’t get cutesy little poo like you do with newborns, and it isn’t an experience you look forward to. Having her completely potty trained -- instead of having to change her underwear seven times a day -- will be a huge blessing.

But two is almost completely gone. And it wasn’t so terrible after all; in fact, am I actually going to say this? We’re going to kind of miss two…

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