Friday, April 3, 2009

If American Idol...

...judged based on photographs.

(I enter through the double doors, like all the other contestants have done at the tryouts in Houston, with my photograph in a manilla folder.)

Simon (reading from a clipboard): Alright, then, John is it?
Me: Yes, that's right.
Simon: Okay, and what are doing for us today?
Me: This is a photograph of me when I was in third or fourth grade.
Randy: Yo, dog, you don't know which year it is?
Me: Well, I --
Randy: Yo, man, that ain't cool. You feel me? The one thing we always tell people -- (makes a swishing sound through his teeth -"ssshheeeee") -- is you gotta know what you're showing us, right? You gotta be able to tell us what we're looking at...
Me: I know, I'm really sorry, it's just that I didn't have a lot of time to come up with --
Paula: You know what, I'm sure it'll be fine you guys.
Simon: All right, then, off you go.

(I take the following photo out of the envelope and place it on the easel next to me.)

(Hoots from Randy; Paula gives an 'awwww' sound like she's looking at a six-week old puppy; Simon is silent.)

Simon: Alright, then. Randy.
Randy: (barely stifling the laughter) Heh, heh, okay, man, what -- ahahaha, I'm sorry, what are we looking at?
Me: Well, this was a class photograph taken at my elementary school in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Randy: Yo, I gotta tell you man, this? I don't know, man. I look at you standing in front of us here in the studio, and you got this whole normal guy/blue jeans and t-shirt thing going on with maybe a little soul thrown in, you know? But this...this photograph...I don't know man. This just ain't you.
Paula: What do you mean? I think it's adoooorrrable. Listen, it's like seeing a little, snuggly...hamster or something, I think. You have this amazing presence in this photograph, you bring such a warmth to your artistry, a wholesomeness. I wouldn't let anyone take that from you. You do you best, you know?
Simon: (Rolls eyes as he's chewing on a pen cap. Then...) Okay, John, here's the thing. What exactly aahh we supposed to do with this photo? I mean, on the one hand, I see a neo-hillbilly thing with this bowl haircut and the plaid shirt and all the plastic button-snaps. But at the same time, you're trying a little too hard, don't you think? With the looking-off-to-the-side inset photo. It all seems a little precocious to me.
Paula: Simon!
Simon: Well what am I supposed to think about this? It's self-indulgent rubbish. Total claptrap. All right, Randy, yes or no.
Randy: I don't know, dog, it's just, I gotta say no, man.
Simon: All right. Paula?
Paula: A thousand percent yes, you have such a light that shines from --
Simon: And I say no. Sorry, John, better luck next time.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww. He's so cute.


    Ethan, your hair looks darker. And when did you get a bowl cut?
